Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Dragonborn Is A Hobo?

Time For Some Dragonsss

Jed is Tom's Skyrim character, a Vampire Dark Elf, who specialises in casting magic (he's a little grumpy and his morals have some pretty hefty grey areas...). Whilst my character is a Werewolf Khajiit archer, who can't seem to concentrate on one task for too long, but she sure does try hard.

Thursday 14 June 2012


So, I felt that this blog may need some introduction....

If you're not any of the people above
then all of what follows is going to
make little no sense. 
(Actually, if you are one of the people above, it's probably still not going to make much sense...)

I can't draw, but felt that the insane happenings that go on in my world needed to be recorded. So they're going to be recorded in the best way. By drawing them as stick people.

Everything in this blog actually happened, in one way or another. However, some... exaggeration may occur, and possibly the inclusion of video game characters.